Womens Health
Can I get pregnant with out getting my period?
3 Replies
lagordy84 - December 19

Hi! I'm 30 yr old n I'm a little over weight n I haven't gotten my period for like a little over 5 years n I've been trying to get pregnant. I went to see the doctor n she told me that the reason that I haven't got my period is cuz my weight. So all I want to know if there's a way I could get pregnant with out getting my period n with out concerning my weight. I want to be a mother so bad. Please help me.


lyneth - June 28

first of all, you need to ask your doctor what would be the healthiest way to lose weight prior to the condition that you have right now, i mean you didn't have your period for five years.


Carol_Leis - August 27

there might be an ovulation problem going on when you said you didn't have your period for over 5 years and you are overweight. it is a serious thing that you are not having your cycle.


MELISSA - January 16

Thanks to prince drclimentscott for helping me pregnant after 4years of
marriage no child,but with the help of drclimentscott am pregnant now.i
got pregnant exact time he promise me within the period of one month and it
really work he is God sent, contact him for more details and help email him

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