Womens Health
Question:Please Help
0 Replies
steph - December 31

I'm a 23 year old female, with a history of gyno issues. I took the Depo shot (due to BC pills causing bad migraines and rise in Blood Pressure) for 3 years. I went off of the shot July 2008. I have been bleeding off and on for the last three months. If I had to guess, I have not bled a total of maybe 10 days, during this time period. I bleed extremely heavy (some days I'll go through a box of 18 tampons, just in waking hours) most of the time, with only the occasional light day.
I was told when I went off my Depo, that I'd probably have a prolonged menstrual cycle, due to not having a cycle in so long. However, It's been way over a year since my last shot, and it just doesn't seem likely that I would be experiencing these issues so late after being off it.

I just really want people's advice and/or stories. I'm kind of starting to get worried about it, as well as experiencing extreme fatigue (I sleep for around 15 hours a day, as long as I don't have to get up for anything) likely from all the bleeding and already being anemic.




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