Womens Health

 What about sagging or drooping breasts (ptosis) ? Can they be fixed?

Breasts naturally sag after menopause when they lose fatty tissue and their support weakens. Prior to that, breasts may also show significant loss of fat and fluid after pregnancy and breast feeding.

More often than not, the breasts do not actually sag, but rather they have a pseudo ptosis in the postpartum period. This can be a significant flattening and collapse of the breast.

True ptosis or sagging can happen before the menopause and may actually be a congenital change just like asymmetry. Several different types have been described. It can be improved surgically with what is termed a mammopexy or "fastening" of the breast. Implants alone may correct mild ptosis.

What other abnormal breast sizes and shapes are there and what can be done?

There are several other breast size and shape anomalies that may benefit from cosmetic surgery. Tuberous breasts get their name from being shaped like a tube.

The base of the breast is not broad-based but rather constricted so that the breast appears more like a tube than a cone. Tuberous breasts can be changed through surgery. 

Lack of almost any breast development, hypoplasia, is another condition that may be a familial or congenital characteristic. Surgeons can add implants to the breasts.

Hyperplasia is the opposite condition, i.e., the breasts are too large. Surgeons have corrected these conditions for many years.

Abnormal breast shape and size can be harmful to a woman's self esteem. It pays to know what some of the common differences in breast shape and size are. It is also very important to understand that almost no woman has two breasts of identical size and shape in the natural state. The differences are then just a matter of degrees.


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Table of Contents
1. Breast Asymmetry
2. When do you need surgery?
3. Do they sag and droop?
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