Womens Health

10 Signs of Pregnancy

It's not always as easy as one may think to determine if you're pregnant, especially during the early stages of pregnancy when the baby isn't big enough to feel moving around.

Here are some signs of pregnancy explained. These symptoms do not all guarantee that you're pregnant, and you should always seek medical advice if you suspect you're pregnant. But they'll give you a starting point to help you determine if you're going to have a baby.

1. Montgomery's Tubercules: Possible Pregnancy Sign

This name isn't as dangerous as it sounds. This minor condition has nothing to do with tuberculosis either.

Montgomery's Tubercules are small bumps, similar to goose bumps, on the areola of your breast. Some women have said these bumps resemble pimples. The number you get per nipple can vary drastically. It's common to have between four and up to 28 per areola.

They often show up shortly after pregnancy and last through breastfeeding. It's thought that the Montgomery's Tubercules secrete a very small amount of a sebaceous, oily substance that discourages bacterial growth.

Other reasons for Montgomery's Tubercules are changes in the balance of hormones and sometimes even tanning.

2. Fatigue: Possible Pregnancy Sign

Extreme fatigue can be an early pregnancy sign because your body is going through significant changes as your baby grows from blastocyst to embryo to fetus.

Feeling extremely tired could also be a sign of depression, a physical health condition or simply not getting enough good-quality sleep.

3. Frequent Urination: Possible Pregnancy Sign

As your uterus grows, it can put pressure on the bladder making you feel the need to urinate more often. This can happen early in the pregnancy, even before you begin to show.

Frequent urination can also be a sign of a urinary tract infection, vaginitis, diabetes or anxiety. Less often it can be sign of a tumor or mass in the pelvis or overactive bladder syndrome.

4. Breast Soreness: Possible Pregnancy Sign

Breasts often become sore and tender during pregnancy as the tissues change in preparation for breastfeeding. The pain tends to be worse during the first trimester and can range from slight tenderness to severe pain from even the slightest pressure.

Sore breasts can also be a sign that your period is coming.

5. Enlarged Abdomen: Probable Pregnancy Sign

Naturally your belly will get bigger as the baby grows, so an enlarged abdomen is a likely sign that you're pregnant, especially if you have additional symptoms.

An enlarged abdomen could also simply mean you've gained weight. Occasionally an unexpected enlarged abdomen is the sign of a tumor growth.

6. Clear Liquid Leaking from Breasts: Probable Pregnancy Sign

Sometimes it's possible that a small amount of clear liquid leaks from your breasts when you're pregnant. This is called colostrums and is simply your body's way of preparing your breasts to breastfeed. During the first couple of days after you give birth, this is what will nourish your baby until your milk comes in if you're breastfeeding.

Liquid leaking from the breast could also indicate a papilloma, a fibrocystic condition or hardening of the milk duct. It can sometimes be a sign of a cancerous lesion.

7. Uterine Contractions: Probable Pregnancy Sign

In pregnancy, uterine contractions are called Braxton Hicks' Contractions. They're irregular contractions of the uterus that prepare the womb for labor contractions.

Uterine contractions can also be a sign of extremely heavy periods where the contractions are more painful than typical menstruation cramps.

8. Fetal Heart Tones: Positive Pregnancy Sign

A fetus' heart begins to beat around six weeks. With the right equipment, it's possible to detect the heart tones. There is no mistaking fetal heart tones for anything either than what they are.

9. Sonography Detection: Positive Pregnancy Sign

A sonograph is an ultrasound-based diagnostic imaging technique. If an obstetric sonograph shows there's a developing fetus, then you'll know for sure that you're pregnant.

10. Perception of Fetal Movement by the Doctor/Midwife: Positive Pregnant Sign

If a skilled health care practitioner is able to feel the baby, you're definitely pregnant.


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