Womens Health

A Honey Of A Cure

The ancient Anglo-Saxons made honey a regular part of their diets during the first month after marriage. They believed that this regimen would not only boost their fertility, but would also keep the male half of the couple in good sexual health into his later years. Before the Anglo-Saxons existed, the ancient Semites attributed the creation of honey to the goddess Astarte, who is linked with war, love, sexuality, maternity, and fertility. Farther back, the bible speaks of the land of Israel as the, "Land of milk and honey."

Guaranteed Results

In our own times, some experts in the field of natural health believe that honey and assorted other substances produced by bees can increase fertility, libido, and sexual health. Susan Fletcher, along with her husband Clive Brockdorff of Apitherapy Foods, a Norfolk-based company produces honey and other bee byproducts from over 2 million bees in the apiary they own and run. Susan is convinced that the properties ascribed to these products by the ancients are real. "Put a woman who's struggling to conceive on bee pollen and you can pretty much guarantee a result within two or three months," she says.

Fletcher thinks that the higher rate of conception in those imbibing bee byproducts is due to their high mineral content. Take, for example, bee pollen, which is a mixture of bee saliva, pollen, and plant nectar. Bee pollen contains copper, potassium, sodium, and zinc in addition to 24 other minerals. Out of 22 known amino acids, bee pollen contains 20.

Rejuvenated Glands

Research studies in both Europe and the US reveal that bee pollen can rejuvenate the sex glands of both sexes because of certain natural substances which can sustain and even awaken the reproductive systems of human beings. Some of these studies show that bee pollen helps to improve the sexual staying power of men, increase strength, improve sexual function impaired because of prostate issues, jump-start the ovaries, produce better ovum, and calm down the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Other than bee pollen, another bee byproduct worth a second look is royal jelly, a substance secreted by "nurse bees" just for the purpose of feeding the queen bee as she grows to maturity. Royal jelly consists in the main of water, but also contains high levels of B vitamins, amino acids, hormones, and natural enzymes. The stuff that feeds Her Highness has been used to treat a variety of reproductive issues such as PMS, menopause, and PMS. Royal jelly is known to help regulate hormone production, and conditions related to hormone imbalance such as migraines, acne, and postpartum depression.

Queen bees have the greatest longevity of their species and can live up to five years. This is as compared to the worker bee, which lives just over 7 months.

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