Womens Health


Fallopian Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment

Since the symptoms of fallopian cancer are similar to ovarian cancer and uterine cancer it can become quite tricky to detect and diagnosis whether someone has fallopian cancer. If you experience any of the symptoms of fallopian cancer, such as pelvic pain, abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharges, consult your doctor. Your doctor may conduct one of the following tests to check for the presence of abnormal cell growth in your fallopian tubes. These diagnostic tests include:

Pelvic Exam: Your doctor may perform an internal pelvic exam to examine for any abnormal masses and to check the health of your uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.

Ultrasound: If your doctor finds a growth in your reproductive organs, she will perform an ultrasound. The ultrasound will create an image of your fallopian tubes. This image will be analyzed for the presence of cancer cells.

Surgery: Exploratory surgery may be used by your surgeon to confirm the presence of cancer cells. Once, diagnosis is confirmed your surgeon will examine the cancerous cells to determine the extent of growth and the stage of cancer.

Fallopian Cancer Treatment

Most of the treatments used to combat fallopian cancer have been adapted from ovarian cancer treatments. These treatments include:

Surgery: This is the first treatment option for fallopian cancer. Your surgeon will remove as many cancer cells as possible. This may mean your uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes (one or both) may be removed if it is affected by the cancer. To prevent spreading of the cancer or the cancer from reappearing some of the connective tissues in your pelvis and pelvis lymph nodes may also be taken out surgery. The main side effects of this treatment include infertility and severe symptoms of menopause.

Radiation: Your doctor may use radiation therapy following surgery to eliminate the remaining cancer cells. Radiation inhibits cancer cells from reproducing by using high does of radioactive materials. These materials cause the abnormal masses to shrink.  Side effects of this treatment include fatigue and nausea.  

Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy may also be used following surgery to ensure all the remaining cancer cells are eliminated. Chemotherapy requires you to intake a combination of oral or injectable drugs such as Taxol and Platinol. Side effects of chemo include: hair loss, poor appetite, and nausea.

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