Womens Health
Birth control!
3 Replies
lipesbabe - December 31

so this is my first time taking birthcontrol
and im confused as to when i should start taking it my last period was on sunday!
please help


seriousalibi - July 19

Typically, doctors (and the birth control instructions) recommend you begin taking the hormone pills during your next period - so I would wait until you begin your next one.

Remember to use extra protection for the next 3 weeks and the first 3 months you're on the pill, as it will need to regulate with your body - until this happens you could still get pregnant, though it's rare.

A bit of a warning - during your first few months on the pill, your cramps can be HORRIBLE! Stock up on chocolate, chick flicks and Advil just in case ;)


chellygrl02 - October 18

you need to start taking the first pill in the pack on a sunday when you are not on your period. take the whole pack including the hormone pills which are green or brown depending on the pills you are taking. after you are done with that pack start a new one and contiue that way until you want to get pregnant.


micah - November 2

ive been on birth control for almost a yr n i didnt have any for a couple of weeks n i got some n i forgot to wait till my period in oct n took my pills on a sunday n i diddnt have a period at the end of the month of oct could that have jus messed up my cycle n is that ok that i missed one?



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