Break Through Bleeding, connection to my other medications?
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I have been taking Ortho Evra for 7 years, last year I experienced some break through bleeding & my Dr. told me it wasn't anything to worry about unless it continued(it didn't). I am now also taking Keppra,Prozac, and Concerta. The month I started the Concerta I had a few days of break through bleeding the week before I was supposed to start my period and then my perdio arrived 3 days early (which rarely happens, if anything it comes 1-2 days late). This month I've began experiencing break through bleeding again. Several years ago I had been on Prozac and Concerta with the Ortho Evra and did not experience any of this. Can my medications be causing this? I have a hx of HPV(hasn't been active in 6 years) and I can feel bumps on my cervix with my finger tip. My Dr. said that since nothing abnormal comes back on any of my pap smears to not worry about it. I have had trich once, about 7 years ago. I plan on contacting my Dr.'s about this, but I'm afraid I'll be told just wait and see again. This is normal for me. If there's no correlation between my meds and the break through bleeding, what are other possible causes of this?