Womens Health
Breaththrough bleeding getting heavier?
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joannes0 - January 1

Hi there,

I just started on lo-estren Fe, am only on my 2nd week so far. I started spotting the first day I took it and have continue to bleed since. The flow is getting heavier, more like a light day of a period flow. I have bad cramps this morning, my stomach is swollen, my lower back aches--all the symptoms I would get if my period were starting.

I called the doctor after four days, when I was only spotting, and they siad it could take three months for my body to right itself.

Also, prior to starting the pill I hadn't had a period for three months (not pregnant, and I DID tell my gyno this). He didn't say anything about it, but we discussed it. He just gave me the pills

I'm 36, I have two kids, and I've taken the pill before, in my 20's, and never had this problem. Do I really have to wait it out and see if it continues? What if I continue to bleed? How long should I wait then??

thank you for your time. I'm very confused. lol



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