Womens Health
Is this normal when taking the pill
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MrsSummers - December 31

My husband and I were ttc and we got pregnant but lost it in the middle of august . So after a few months of no period we decided that I will go on the pill for 2 reasons...1)to regulate my period and 2) as birth control. Well I took a month of the pills my period came (on Thanksgiving) and it lasted for about 5 days, well that sounded normal to me so im like sweet I will take it again so I started my 2nd month worth and only took 10 pills. I stopped the pills because I wanted to get pregnant. So I stopped them and well my period came last night (12-13-09) and it has only been 5 days since I stopped taking the pill. So now im confused on whats going on Does anyone know why this might have happened? Is it normal to stop the pill and BOOM an AF that fast? Thanks for any advice or ideas.



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