Does anyone else get breast pain from the pill?
oh yeah. I've had that. My doctor didn't seem too concerned, he said it's just a good sign that it's working.
What an a-hole of a doctor. Typical man. I bet if it were his boobies, he'd go running and screaming to HIS doctor.
Thurmond. You crack me up. Nicolaruijne, it's from the hormones. Just like pregnant women get sore breasts at the beginning, or like just before you get your period. If it really bothers you, you can try cold compresses, or you can try a different method of BC.
I had a terrible time with that until I went off the pill. had other symptoms too, like dizzyness,and stuff. Water retention, too. The pill just wasn't for me. I'm using a diaphragm, now. No hormones to mess with my bod, except for that bit of spermicide, which isn't a hormone, anyhoo. That makes me wonder...what iS spermicide, anyway? Is it some kind of, er, pesticide
beth is probably on to something. sometimes the pill just isn't the best method for some women. they should develop one for men....
i agree with rosemary they should definitely develop the pill for men or some kind of contraceptive. we're the ones who have to have periods and carry the baby if we get pregnant! guys have it too easily.