Womens Health
2 periods in one month
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jennifer14 - January 1

Hi, I'm hoping someone might have had a similar situation. Waiting on new insurance and can't get to doc just yet. In oct my period came 8 days early and then 12 days later I had what I thought was spotting and found out it was more like implantation bleeding. Then in nov I had my period twice and the last one was heavier and longer than normal. My period was actually suppose to be here yesterday(dec 8th). Now I am having pregnancy symptoms(sore breasts,backache,headach,fatigue,mood swings, smelling everything,HUNGER!) but I took a preg test and it came up negative. Is it too early cause my period was actually only suppose to be here yesterdayor am I thinking about it too much or something else entirely? Thanks to anyone who might have an answer!!!



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