Womens Health
Any Help Please!!!
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woodwinds8524 - January 1

I am 23 year old female. I have had many gyno issues for years now. Including uterine fibroids, and ovarian cysts. Well now i have everyone stumped. About 2 months ago i started experiencing abnormal bleeding. I had a hysterogram, and they found the lining of my uterus to be extremely thick. Therfore they did an emergancy d&c hysteroscopy. Since then, the pain has been gradually getting worse. When sent for an ultrasound it came back normal. My doctor mentioned something about doing a lap. Can you give me any insite on what it could be?

PS. I do have an extremely retroverted uterus. Is it possible that its the fibroid causing my pain but bc of its location it cant be seen on an ultrasound?



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