Womens Health
bleeding and scared
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mynssa - January 1

A brief bit of history...
Up until I had my daughter 9 years ago I was extremely regular, so regular to the fact that everyone around me even knew exactly when it would be.
Then, after I had my daughter I had an IUD put in. That didn't turn out so well. I bled for 6 months straight, all the while being told it was normal, and then was suggested to go on BC.
I can't use BS or anything else hormonal due to having had blood clots.
I finally had it removed and things went back to normal.
Then 3 years ago I started skipping periods. Not just a month at a time but the first time was 13 months. Then it went to 9, then 3 then back to normal for a month then back to 3.
Last July (a few months ago) I started bleeding after being with my BF.
At first I thought it was my period since my period isn't regular and I hadn't had it in a month or two, but the cramping and bleeding stopped after two days.
It happened again though at the end of august (once again brought on by being with the BF). The cramping was worse this time though and the bleeding lasted 3 days.
I just finished a period on September 22nd so I figured I was in the clear for a while.
Yesterday the cramping started during the day. I didn't think anything of it though because usually when I ovulate I experience cramping and was hoping beyond hope that perhaps I was starting to get regular again.
BF and I played that night and the bleeding started.
This time the cramping is bad enough that it is making me extremely sick to my stomach.
I had to pull over when driving my daughter home from school because I couldn't stop doubling over from it.
The bleeding is ...bright, medium flow I guess.
I"m worried. Actually I could say I'm scared.
Nothing I've been reading looks good.
I want to know if any one has experienced anything like this or if they know of anything like this.
Oh, I should say when I've been with my BF it hasn't been that rough (I know sometimes bleeding can be caused by that, but its never happened that way with me before).
Any help you guys can offer would be great.



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