Womens Health
Do I have vaginal prolapse? Is my vagina normal?
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Euria - October 31

Hello, thanks for reading this... to start off, I am 17 years old and have not had intercourse. I however have been masturbating regularly for years. But i have thought more about this because I have been in a very good serious relationship with my boyfriend for a while now, and desire to have intercourse. I also have never visited the gynecologist, and I realize that would be highly suggested...but this will have to do for now.

It has come to my attention recently that on the inside of my vagina, just past the rough patch of the g-spot there is a very large, bulbous bump. To make this clearer, it does not go down towards the vaginal entrance far enough to clog it, and block the rough parts. It feels circular, and is smooth. Upon further feeling it, it feels like there is an opening on the tip of it...but I am afraid to touch that any further. The vagina canal continues on one side of it, but on the other side, it makes another path, but not very deep. I had just thought this was normal since when inserting something, it could still continue in on the side of the bulb. It DOES NOT hurt. I have not noticed any bowel abnormalities. I for a short while had to pee frequently, but that was not serious and was short. From what I've read, it sounds like vaginal prolapse. This worries me. My last period was normal except for brown discharge towards the end for longer than normal. This bulb has been there for at least a few months, perhaps years because I had never considered it abnormal. Is this indeed a vaginal prolapse? : ( Thank you for any answers in advance, any informed responses will relieve me of a lot of worry.



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