Womens Health
GF to have a radical hysterectomy at 29
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Matt - January 1

Two weeks ago we found out that my girlfriend has to undergo a radical hysterectomy to cure cervical cancer. Obviously at the age of 29 this was a horrible shock especially as neither of us has kids but had planned them for the future.
The surgery is planned for one weeks time but we have to decide whether to leave the ovaries in or not. The consultant has said that there is a 12% chance of the ovaries becoming cancerous if we leave them in and try to harvest eggs. This number worries me but I also know how important it is to my GF to try every chance of having a child.
I know we must decide for ourselves but I am curious to know what others that have been in a similar situation think. Should the ovaries stay or should we be sure the cancer is gone?

Many thanks




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