Womens Health
Have i got Endometriosis or am i just self diagnosing wrong?
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Sarah-Smiley - January 4

Hi, I am 23 years old, mother to a 6 year old and for the past 2 years i have been in a great deal of pain. Mostly its back pain, related to the sciatic nerve i think, as it shoots pain down through my but cheeks and my legs, right down to the soles of my feet. ( the doctor put me on Gabapentin for this, recently, which isnt working, so i will be going back shortly, i was just hoping from a little bit of advice from people who are dealing with this, before i go) I also have horrible hip pain(both hips) achy legs all the time, i get a lot of mild tummy aches, right down at the bottom, which sometimes get sore and tender.
My periods have always been the worst time of the month for me, i have always been in agony for the duration of them, so its always seemed normal to me, i have been on a variety of different birth controls in an effort to reduce the severity of my periods, none of which have ever worked, and the bar even made them worse.
I have only started looking at Endometriosis yesterday, because when i came on yesterday i was in so much pain, and the worst of it was my sciatic nerve pain and my hips and legs. I was in so much agony i literally had no wish to live anymore. And, while it has been tolerable for the rest of the month, it got utterly unbearable just as i came on. And when i googled sciatic nerve pain matched with periods Endo came up.

Now, ive never really matched it with my periods, as i care for my mother, who has lumbar spondylosis, which gives her the same pain, so ive been thinking its that, now, however im not as sure.

Thanks for reading the essay! And thanks for any help/advice you can give me!



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