Womens Health
Lower Left Pelvic Pain..among other things
2 Replies
iitsyella - January 1

For a while now I have been having all kinds of problems. It started with waking up on morning with my bed covered in blood (I was on my period but this was WAY more than usual) and when I tried to stand up I almost passed out. Went to the ER and they found nothing. Shortly after that I had an episode where I was having to urinate ALL the time and extreme lower back pain and couldnt get out of bed. They did a pelvic ultrasound and MRI but as usual they found nothing and it passed with time.

Now, I am having diarrhea and constipation for over a month. It goes back and forth. And the newest and worst thing is left pelvic pain with some lower back pain still. I have always had REALLY heavy periods and have been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome.

My doctor is at a loss. I am seeing a urologist later this month to start ruling things out but I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas?



Tammy - October 10

what did your urologist say? But it sounds like a UTI and or your ovaries. I was bleeding for 60 days strait befor emy OB recommended surgery because the chance of cancer. But you should have an MRI, this is the best way to see your ovaries and can caue lower back pain. Once my ob was in there she found that my left ovary had jsut died off and unable to locate it, and my right ovary had just quit working. So you definately need to get some further tests doen and check your ovarys.


AmandaKB - November 9

I have had the ame symptoms plus some! Add in severe head ache localized square in the back of my head lasting for only seconds then disapating along with night sweats where I wake up soaked as though someone poured water on me. I have severly heavy periods that seem almost rediculous. The pain in my pelvic area is on the left radiating around to my back. I am constantly tired though I get adequate rest. If you find out what yours is please let me know.. I have had CT scans and bloodwork and doctors don't seem to take me seriously. To reach me buckner_bunch311125 yahoo.com if you figure it out PLEASE let me know! Thanks! Good Luck!



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