Womens Health
Pelvic/Vaginal pain
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bragza - January 1

Hi, hopefully someone can shed some light on me. I just turned 29 yrs of age and since July of 2008, I started to experience severe pelvic / vaginal wall pain (I think that is the worst area, cant really pin point the area.) I have a small tumor on my right ovary, and have had bad cramps as long as I can remember, so at the onset of these pains I saw my OB/GYN and we scheduled a laporoscopy which showed nothing abnormal and that my tumor hadnt grown and really doubts my pain is due to my mass. He then has referred me to a Urologist and Gastro specialist, which I have seen. My pap test and bloodwork show nothing abnormal, but I do have a high white blood cell count. This pain occured for almost 2 months straight. Every day I had stabbing pain, burning, blurred vision, fatigued, hot flashes and body chills within the same minute, dizziness, was unable to urinate at ease, sexual activity, cant answer that due to the fact it had been a year since my last intimate relation. After two - three months of these symptoms, one day all my pain went away. Two months later my pain came back. I still have the same symptoms, there isnt enough pain meds to allow me to function normally, and now I notice my pain to be worse while sitting vs standing. My urologist is on the path to test me for Multiple Sclerosis, he does not think I have Interstitial Cystitis due to the pain going away for almost 2 months. I am so depressed not knowing what it is I have, tired of getting all negative results, I just want some answers so I can carry out a normal and healthy life along with treatment. Thank you very much, hopefully I can get some answers here.



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