Piece of skin between vagina and anus after having a baby
1 Replies
I have this piece of skin close to my anus. At first I thought it might be a hemorrhoid, but my sister just had a baby and was told that it was an extra piece of skin that developed from her episiotomy. Is this true? It is very irritating and sometime itches and it seems as if it can irritate the rectum and almost cause hemorrhoids. If so, what is the treatment. My sister said someone recommended having some sort of acid treatment that takes it right off. Please help. I have asked my obygn about this, but she said it was nothing. I feel that it is something and could make me more comfortable if removed. If this is possible please let me know.
I had what sounds exactly the same thing and thought that it was a hemorrhoid, I went to my GP who referred me to a Consultant. The Consultant examined me, he confirmed it wasn't an external hemorrhoid. No explanation for this little loose piece of fleshy skin between my anus and my vagina. I explained that it hadn't been there before the birth of my daughter, (I had no tears, stitches when she was born) He couldnt give me an explanation and didn't seem to understand why it bothered me, so much so he told me to go away for 2 to 3 weeks and if it still bothered me go back and see him......I wasn't going to give up forget about it regardless of how embarrassing it was so I underwent surgery and the consultant basically cut the unwanted skin off. No stitches, the wound was just left open to heal, probably the size of a penny piece or slightly bigger. Not much pain and I'm glad I went ahead with surgery!!