Womens Health
Post Partum and Not Interested
8 Replies
amhpgseverino - December 31

So, i just had a baby 7 weks ago and my husband is ready to rock and roll again and I'm just NOT feeling turned on at all. is there something wrong here?


babygoodwin - September 28

i bet this is really common. Give yourself some time! your man wants some - but you've got night time feedings, crying, extra weight, and a million other things going on. he's got to be patient!


asdin - September 28

sometimes it helps to get out of the house. if he wnats it so bad - he can wine and dine you a bit. get out and have a relaxing night away from the stress of the house and the new babe - maybe it'll loosen you up a bit. if not - at least you had a good meal out of it : )


rosemary - September 28

it's pretty normal. but, guys go through a lot too and often end up being jealous of their baby. maybe you can help him out some other way ;)


beth - September 29

No, that's normal. It's the nursing hormones. I don't think there's anything u can do about it.


schoendienst - September 29

It's hard to get in the mood after a baby. Try drinking a glass of wine, but don't get drunk--u may end up with another bun in the oven :-0


thurmond - September 29

I don't think there's something wrong. U had a baby, mebbe you're scared it'll hurt?


sophia - September 29

I think it's a normal, hormonal thing, but there's stuff u could do to make things better, and u shold, because your DH is going to feel bad if you don't get intimate with him soon. Things to try:
A nice dinner
a sexy DVD
some wine
a new nightgown from Victoria's Secret
a candellight bath--maybe witrh him in it with you.


nicolaruijne - September 29

It can be really hard. If your DH is understanding, tell him u need more time. If not, try to be there for him the best u can.



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