Womens Health
Stiil bleading..no insurance and don't know what to do?? Hel
1 Replies
Naynerd28 - December 31

Ok so here I am, I am a 29 year old mother and ever since i was 15 and started my cycle it has been irregular but never has it been like this. I started my period on the 1st of March and it lasted about 5 days going strong and then it lightened up for 2 weeks and now here it is the 29th of march and i have been bleeding again heavy for 5 days and it is not lightening up or seem like it is going to go away. What is going on with me? Any suggestions or answers would be much appreciated. Thank you



smileanyway - March 30

Some states have free clinics. Have you checked into that? The town that I live in has a clinic that charges you based of your income. That is were a went to get free paps and to get treatment for my hpv infection before I got insurance. I would suggest for now that you go to the emergencie room for now. Just to make sure you are not in emediate danger. I know it's scary, but this could be something simple like your hormones being out of wack. You should be able to apply for indegent at the hosital. This means you could pay very little if none at all. Get out the phone book and start calling around for low cost or free clinics.



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