Womens Health
Tender Breasts
10 Replies
amhpgseverino - January 1

My breasts are tender all the time and I'm not expecting! any ideas what it could be and what I can do about it?


beth - October 2

If it's all the time u need to see a doctor. There's lots of reasons for this kind of pain and not all of them are serious, but u need to check it out.


schoendienst - October 2

There's more than one kind of breast pain. There's the pain that coems and goes with your cycle, and there's the pain that's all the time.

U need to figure out if it's the whole breast or only in one place, I think.


devyntaylore - October 2

best to see your doc on this one. could be anything from hormones to idunnowhat. dont mess with it tho


schoendienst - October 2

There's a kind of arthritis called something like costokondritis that can cause that.


thurmond - October 2

That can happen if u have a biopsy.


sophia - October 2

try evening of primrose oil. Sposed to be good for that.


nicolaruijne - October 2

Coffee makes it worse.


babygoodwin - October 3

coffee makes it worse? wow - interesting. the caffeine in it? anyway, i'd definitely get it checked with the doctor and try to isolate what type of pain it is and if its' the whole breast or just part - like schoendienst says.


rosemary - October 5

do you work out regualrly? if you do a lot of chest exercises you can definitely get very sore muscles in the chest area and it feels like tender breasts, even though it is really muscular pain.


alex - October 13

i really need help. my breast are not the same size. my right side is much bigger then the left side. im 19 now and i had that problem since i was 14. i never saw a doctor. is that normal for a girl? is there any way i can make my left side the same as the right side?



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