Womens Health
Thick Vaginal Discharge-- kinda clumpy
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minimyni - February 24

Hi, so I've been getting a thick white odorless vaginal discharge lately. Before I got it, I was already seeing that my vaginal discharge was getting thicker. It is not itchy but I am worried because I don't want to get yeast infection again. About 5 months ago I had yeast infection and prior to that I had it again. I am worried that the antibiotics oral tablets that I was getting from my doctor is not working which is causing these reoccurring yeast infections. Since this time it is not itchy, I am not that worried but am afraid that it will develop into yet another yeast infection. Is it better to take the oral tablet or a drug store applicator? I do not want another reoccurring yeast infection. Help and advice PLEASEE!!



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