Womens Health
herbal remedies?
6 Replies
nicolaruijne - December 31

A friend asked me about herbal remedies for menopause symptoms. Does anyone know of any that are TNT?


sophia - October 2

Is soy an herb?
Eating soy products and drinking soy milk really helps because of the plant estrogens.


thurmond - October 2

Saint john's wort is good for the moodiness.


schoendienst - October 2

black cohosh for night sweats...


beth - October 2

chasteberry for breast pain, also moodiness but not for other symptoms.


devyntaylore - October 2

lots of controversy now about soy products. if its the whole soy bean you're okay, but if it is a product with soy in it you could have problems which may result in cancer. there's an herb called macafem thats supposed to balance hormones and is supposed to be really good


michelled3 - October 6

check in at the natural health store. there are a lot of combinations and choices these days.



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