Womens Health
How long between periods is Menopause?
6 Replies
nicolaruijne - January 1

Okay, I think the subject line says it all. I guess what I really want to know is: it's been 7 months. Is that probably it for me?


beth - September 25

Nope. The definition of menopause is, I think, I year without periiods,.


schoendienst - September 25

it's a good bet, nicolaruijne. I mean, I think you'd know by now if you were preggers ;-)


thurmond - September 25

It may or may not be menopause. There are other reasons why your period could stop. For instance, heavy duty training. Not eating enough. stuff like that that overstresses the bod.


sophia - September 25

Nicolaruijne, I think it probably is meno. Have you had any other symptoms like hot flashes or anything?


michelled3 - September 28

7 mo definitely isn't it for you and like beth sez, its a year without a period. even if you havent had one for a year sometimes it can happen. surprise!! then you count a year again. but it sounds like the beginning of the end. can go on for a long, long time so be prepared


lynnanne - November 6

I went 6 months and they started up again and heavier than I have ever experienced--I even afraid to leave the house.



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