Womens Health


For various reasons, some 600,000 American women undergo a hysterectomy (a surgery performed to remove the uterus or the womb) each year, making it the second most common surgery in the country. But in spite of these high numbers, many women remain in the dark about exactly what having a hysterectomy entails, both surgery-wise as well as for their overall health and fertility.  In our section devoted to hysterectomies, find out more about what this procedure entails, who needs a hysterectomy and about if there are any other alternatives, and about what to expect during the recovery from this common surgery.  

Hysterectomy Surgery

Learn more about some of the common problems women experience after having a hysterectomy as well how having one will effect your overall reproductive health. And for those who know they will be having a hysterectomy in the future, find out what you should expect after the surgery is completed, including some common symptoms and bleeding problems.  Find out if you will still get your period after having a hysterectomy and if getting pregnant is still possible.  Also, if you are suffering from a condition that can be cured by a hysterectomy but still want to maintain your ability to carry a pregnancy, what other treatment options are available to you?  Also, after having a hysterectomy will you need hormone treatments to maintain your body's natural balance?

Of course, it is also necessary to inform yourself about the possible complications that can come out of having a hysterectomy, such as back and abdominal pain and how much you should expect from yourself post-surgery. You may also want to learn about the possible bladder problems that can result from having a hysterectomy.  Know all of the risks of surgery before going under the knife.  Also, the better prepared you are the less likely you will experience any unexpected surprises after the surgery is completed.  

After A Hysterectomy

Another common question women have after a hysterectomy is whether or not they will need to continue having a pap smear on a regular basis. There are a variety of factors that will determine this – in particular, why you had a hysterectomy in the first place.  Learn more about who will still need this yearly test and who will not.  

And what about the emotional effects of having a hysterectomy? Those with endometriosis, for example, will want to find out how having a hysterectomy can affect more than just their physical pain – especially for younger women who have not yet completed their childbearing years.  What are the alternative treatments for women with endometriosis and how can they cure the painful and uncomfortable symptoms of their condition while still maintaining the ability to have children?

But what about those women who are past their childbearing years and their desire to have children? Are there any advantages to having your uterus for a lifetime?  Find out why you may want to avoid having a hysterectomy and keep all of your parts inside.  

Get all of the answers to your hysterectomy questions today.


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does anyone ever get any answers from this site?
10 years ago
I had a hysterectomy about 2 weeks ago i went to the doctor yesturday and he informed me that i had toren stiches up inside.Today i am having pain down there what should i do?
11 years ago
I am 43 years old and a mother of two little boys (5 & 3 years of age). I had uterine prolapse which was repaired in 2008. I went in for my regular PAP smear & was informed that the walls the uterine is attached to are fragile & the uterus is prolapsing again. Dr recommended hysterectomy (removal of uterus & cervix) but has left the decision up to me regarding removing my ovaries. I am very anxious & torn in making this decision. My mother has had ovarian(33 yrs) , uterine (33yrs) & breast cancer (72 yrs of age). Both my aunts have had uterine cancer at mid 30's. Third aunt breast cancer at 50's. All the medical staff I have consulted with advice to keep my ovaries in until past menopause and then have elective laparoscopically removed. And all my non-medical friends advice me to take everything out (they say the risk is too high to keep ovaries in). Am scared because I have two little boys I need to be there for. Please advice. My surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, July 17, 2013
12 years ago
Two years ago I had a comlete hydyrectomy and have been ill ever since. I urinate through my vagina and have infection reoccuring. Blood in my urine reaches levels in the 50's but just put on antibiotics. I have taken antibiotics for months but noone will diagnose the problem. I now wear depends and use 10+ a day while washing at least 3 loads of blankets and changing clothing 3 times a day. I have severe pain on the right lower quad constantly and this began the day after my surgery. I have red reocurring dots on my skin as well as inability to have sex due to a 1 1/2" vagina. I had a stroke during surgery, bleeding on the brain as well as smashed face on the right side and recently found out that I have surgical clips in my retroperitoneum. Left undiagnosed, is my life threatened, please help
13 years ago
I had a partial hysterectomy 10months ago and every month at the time that my periods would have been I feel nausea for all 5 days. Is this normal?
13 years ago