Womens Health

Mondor's disease

J Natl Med Assoc 1996 Jun;88(6):359-363
Pugh CM, DeWitty RL
Department of Surgery, Howard University Hospital, Washington, DC 20060, USA.

Mondor's disease, better known as superficial thrombophlebitis of the breast, is an uncommon disorder. Trauma and surgical biopsies head the top of the list of known causes.

Over the past 25 to 30 years, various authors have proposed some new etiologies; however, the clinical course of the disease remains unchanged. This article describes three patients who presented for office visits and were diagnosed as having Mondor's disease. Although Mondor's disease is not a precancerous lesion, patients with atypical clinical courses should undergo close follow-up.

Mondor's disease and aesthetic breast surgery: report of case secondary to mastopexy with augmentation

Aesthetic Plast Surg 1995 May;19(3):251-252. Marin-Bertolin S, Gonzalez-Martinez R, Velasco-Pastor M, Gil-Mateo MD, Amorrortu-Velayos J
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Valencia University General Hospital, Spain.

Although the etiology of Mondor's disease remains obscure, trauma of some form is the most commonly cited cause. Surgical trauma has frequently been quoted, but references in the literature specifically implicating aesthetic breast surgery are scarce. In this article, we report a case of Mondor's disease secondary to mastopexy with concomitant augmentation mammaplasty.

[Rare venous pathology: Mondor's disease].
[Article in Italian]
Minerva Chir 1994 Nov;49(11):1179-1180

Fornero G, Rosato L, Ginardi A
Reparto di Chirurgia Generale, Regione Piemonte--USSL n. 40 Ospedale di Ivrea, Torino.

A case of Mondor's disease is described. They remark etiopathogenesis and clinical signs of this rare disease that affects thoraco-epigastric vein or one of its confluents. They point to the benignity of the disease that tends to evolve to a spontaneous healing in a few weeks. Authors confirm the advisability of performing appropriate exams to exclude malignancies of the breast.

[Mondor's disease: our experience].
[Article in Italian]
G Chir 1994 Aug;15(8-9):355-357

Decembrini P, Mobili M, Attardo S, Paolucci G, Del Papa M, Troiani F, Braccioni U
Divisione di Chirurgia Generale, Ospedale Civile, Civitanova Marche MC.

Mondor's disease is commonly described as thrombophlebitis of the subcutaneous veins of the chest. It is a relatively uncommon syndrome, generally considered of trivial importance for its poor symptoms: local pain, rarely fever.

Recovery is obtained in one or two months with adequate medical treatment. Common causes are traumas, surgery, stress, breast phlogosis; however, some Authors still consider the syndrome as a sinchronous breast cancer "marker."


Table of Contents
1. Breast problems-nipple retraction
2. Breast reduction and nursing
3. Extra nipple
4. Polythelia
5. Blue veins on breast
6. Mondor's syndrome
7. More on Mondor's
8. Change breast shape?
9. Breast assymetry
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