Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are a very painful and an embarrassing condition to live with and nearly 60 percent of North American men and women suffer from it today. The word, Varicose, comes from a Latin word which means twisted and it happens when the veins on your legs swell and rise above the surface of your skin. Your veins turn dark purple to blue in color and they itch, and make your legs feel tired, heavy and sometimes, even bleed.
Varicose Treatments
There are various treatments available for varicose veins from home care to surgery to help minimize the pain and swelling and the appearance of the protruding veins. Exercising, losing weight and elevating your legs while resting are some of the cheap and easy home care remedies. Wearing loose clothing and avoiding sitting or standing for long periods of time are few other treatments that doctors recommend. Laser surgery, sclerotherphy, vein stripping are also advised for those who have severe varicose veins and for those who want to reduce the appearance of the veins.
Effects of Varicose Veins
Varicose veins not only cause a lot of pain but they also affect the social life of those who are afflicted with this condition. They appear anywhere on the back of your calves or the inside of the legs. And because of this, people who suffer from this condition may feel self-conscious and ashamed to show off their legs. They may cover up themselves fully at all times and even on a very hot day. Thus, making varicose veins a very embarrassing condition to live with.
To minimize your risk of developing varicose veins, make sure you get lots of exercise. Exercising gets your blood circulating and it is very important that you always keep your legs moving. Also, watch your weight and your diet and what you wear. Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes and tight clothing as it restricts circulation. And finally, avoid sitting with your legs crossed as this can again aggravate circulation.
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