Womens Health
Pelvic Pain & Irregular Periods
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jbsjuly - January 1

I am 22 years old and for the past 2 years I have had very irregular periods where I would miss anywhere from a month to four months. Along with that I have pelvic pain that is usually dull and achey but every now and then there will be a sharp, stabbing pain that happens at least once a month and it is on a severe scale. I also have extremly painful intercourse that feels really deep and the pain feels like pressure/fullness with a mix of sharp/stabbing. I have not been able to go to the gynocologist within the past 2 years and this all really started happening after I started taking Yaz. I also have a family history of breast cancer and ovarian cancer with my great grandmother, my mom had fibroids and had a full hysteroctomy, and my sister had cysts 1 month after giving birth. What are some of the possible causes?



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