Womens Health
sleeping prob
9 Replies
velmiv - September 4

Hi, ever since i had my menopause, i noticed that i do always have difficulties when sleeping.


ellie - September 4

if you are experiencing hot flashes, that is also one of the culprit that makes you uncomfortable at night and keeps you awake which leads you having difficulty in sleeping.


sonia - September 8

menopause and sleep problems comes along all the time.


Marcela - September 9

sleep usually is affected during perimenopause, menopause and even in your post-menopause.


Jenny - September 10

hormonal changes, particularly on the production of your progesterone and estrogen will gradually decrease. these hormones are a sleep-promoting hormones.


leona - September 10

i have been experiencing too much depression during my menopause and it really gives me hard time to get a good night sleep that sometimes i have to take anti-depressants.


viviane - September 10

you could help yourself get a good night sleep by rearranging and making your sleep environment more comfortable and silent.


Veronica_Jacobs - September 11

Yes, i did that. I made my room a bit more dark and quiet and cool.


calixta - September 11

you can also take some hormone replacement therapy which works by supplementing estrogen hormone that is no longer being made by your body.


CrystalRowland - February 10

Menopause symptoms include irregular periods, hot flashes, night sweats, sleep difficulties, and irritability. Menopause treatments may include hormone replacement therapy or herbal.I would suggest you to try some ayurvedic ways like making use of hot bags, specific yoga exercises , proper and healthy life style. For more look at this web-site cupissima.com .



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