Womens Health
Vaccine for HPV?
7 Replies
nicolaruijne - January 1

I know about the vaccine for HPV for girls but what about the boys? I mean, it's the guys giving it to the girls, right? Why is it always on the woman to take care of stuff like this. It really POs me.


sophia - September 25

I totally agree. I guess it's the bigwig medical researchers, or maybe the government. It made me feel so bad to have to explain to my nine year old daughter why she had to get a shot but her brother didn't.


thurmond - September 25

Well, maybe the vaccine doesn't work for guys. I mean, does any of us know the reason why they don't make one for them or are we just making assumptions?


schoendienst - September 25

Thurmond wrote: [are we just making assumptions?]
Yeah, you know what they say about assume: Assume makes an ass out of u and me :-)


beth - September 25

good one schoendienst. But I have to say I agree with sophia. I think it's the government. They're all men, right? Even Sarah Palen, she has to prove herself all the time to the men, she only gets in because of the men, you know. and etc., etc.
I always say, "Life sucks and then u die."


christa - September 25

i don't think the vaccine prevents hpv only the symptoms which only girls get. i would blame god not the gov't.


rosemary - September 25

does anyone feel like the hpv vaccine for little girls is a bit over the top? it only works against two types of hpv virus and hell, there's over a hundred of them. it's certainly a money grab for the good ole boys.


alaska_gurlly - September 28

blame god for you catching an std? cummon. how about a little self repsonsibileity Christa?



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