Recovery time from operative laparoscopy
I am having a laparoscopy done to repair one tube and remove pelvic adhesions. The doctor estimates approximately 3 hrs of surgery time. I was wondering what the recovery time is.
Recovery is usually a week after an operative laparoscopy like this one.
Do they normally give pain meds for laps or should this be a fairly non-invasive, non-painful procedure?
Pain meds are often needed the 1st 2-3 days but it's not as bad as a full abdominal incision.
Severe sharp pains in lower left side
I am entering my 5th week after a total abdominal hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and cervix). In the 3rd week, I returned to the doctor's office for an emergency appointment due to severe sharp pains in my lower left side which extended to the pelvic area.
I am also experiencing a lot of pressure at the end of urination, as well as a loss of appetite, insomnia, night sweats and extremely cold feet and hands during the day. The doctor ordered a urinalysis to determine if I had a urinary tract infection (the test was negative).
During the visit the doctor conducted a vaginal examination, at which time she stated that it "looked like my cervix was still there and she was sure that it was removed." She then read the pathology report and stated that the cervix was removed, however, she still saw it during the exam.
She mentioned that "maybe they didn't get it all." She also stated that the pain I was having was "nerve degeneration" and was normal after the surgery and suggested that I take Motrin.
She wanted to prescribe sleeping pills for the insomnia but I refused, at which time she told me take Benadryl.
Although I am concerned about the pain I am having as well as the other symptoms described above, I am more concerned about the comment regarding my cervix. Am I at any risk if indeed parts of the cervix was not removed and if so, what risks?
Also, is it unusual for only parts of the cervix to be removed during a hysterectomy? In addition, what could be causing the other symptoms I am experiencing?
I have my 6 week follow-up appointment next week and would like suggestions on what questions I should ask the doctor regarding my symptoms and concerns.
The most common types of abdominal hysterectomy are total (body of the uterus and cervix) and subtotal (just the body of the uterus). Doctors who recommend leaving the cervix feel that orgasm during sexual response is better preserved as well as future support of the end of the vagina.
The downside is that the junction of skin between the glandular lining of the cervix and the flat skin lining of the vagina is not removed and this is where dysplasia and cancer can occur. Also the glandular tissue remaining in the endocervix can occasionally bleed or become infected (cervicitis).
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