I'm in a relationship with my partner for more than 4 years. We had plans to build a family, but for now we are concentrating in saving up for the future. For the past 4 years of wonderful relationship, we had regular sex and I don't take any b/c pills or so. The only method we apply is withdrawal. Never been pregnant, and I think for the longest time, this method is effective for us. I would like to know, does any of you using the same method? Please share your story.
we are also into withdrawal birth control method for more than 2 years. i think it's effective for us and i have no plans to take any bc pills to not get pregnant.
maybe it really depends on both of you, as a partner.
pull out method works on us too. i am comfortable enough with this method for more than 5 years and i trust my partner.
this method is safe and effective if your husband/partner will got to do it right every single time.
my boyfriend and i would like to try this method but i am scared if doesn't have that control one need to perfect it. :/
i guess it is really effective when done correctly. self-control is very important and experience as well.
your partner should know when he is reaching the point to ejaculation to better execute the timing to pull out.
the good thing about pull-out method is that there are no hormonal or medical side effects listed and it is free anytime, anywhere.
if you had it practiced for more than 4 years and you didn't get pregnant, then maybe this method is really effective for you.
statistics shows that out of a hundred couples who were into withdrawal, done correctly, about 80% will not get pregnant.