Womens Health
Still bleeding....
0 Replies
apanda - December 31

I started birth control again (Ortho- the 28 day pack) after being off of it for eight years. About two weeks into my pack, I started bleeding. I didn't miss any doses and I have not taken antibiotics recently. I am very careful to take my pill at the same time every day.

The bleeding is like having a regular period, except it...won't...stop (!!!) It's very frustrating. I've tried to look up ways to minimize breakthrough bleeding, and found nothing pertinent. Just lots of pages about missed pills and antibiotics and how it's common to spot for the first three months of taking the Pill.

I guess I am just concerned because it isn't light bleeding. It is like I have been on my heaviest period days for two weeks, and with all the annoying symptoms that come with it- bloating, breakouts (pimples), headaches, light abdominal cramping, tiredness, sweet tooth. I am pretty miserable!

I am looking for any tips or ideas to improve my situation. I continued to take my pills at the appropriate time despite my symptoms until I ran out of the active ones. I was wondering if since I have bled so much already, should I start my new pack immediately or wait until my placebo pills are finished? (I am a Sunday starter, so I just have to get through this week)

Thank you for reading and for any insight you may share! :)




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