Womens Health
Gay Sperm Donor?
10 Replies
nicolaruijne - January 1

My husband an I can't have more kids. My brother in-law can donote sperm but he's gay. He doesn't have AIDs or anything, but I'm wondering if my baby could be gay, like maybe it's in the genes or something. What do you all think?


sophia - September 28

Some research sez its part genetic, but they don't really know yet. I wouldn't let it bother u, though. And even if you have a gay kid, this is 2008! Gay people are accepted, now.


asdin - September 28

that's very nice of your brother in law. there is no conclusive evidence about the nature versus nurture issue with being gay. i wouldn't worry about it.


thurmond - September 28

sophia. U have a point, but really, who wants their kid to go through that if they have a choice?


brandiboo86 - September 28

I don't think it's in the genes but there are a lot of people who think it is. if it were in the genes you'd get a whole family of gay kids born to the same parents.


schoendienst - September 28

I think that there may be a bit of the genetic thing at work, but it's mostly not that. Think of it this way: at least u give your brother in-law a chance to have a kid!


beth - September 28

U say u can't have MORE kids. If you already have kids, maybe u should stop while u aghead?


georgie - September 28

come on - do you love your brother-in-law? sounds like a nice guy if he's willing to donate his sperm. Then, you'll love your kid 2. who cares if he's gay?


alaska_gurlly - September 28

hey, what kind of kink -pardon the pun- will this put into your relationship with your husband? is the b-i-l his sib? could get messy


prplcrzy - November 3

It is certainly possible that your child would be gay, but I might point out that your brother-in-law is gay, and if he's your husband's brother then your husband shares those genes as well. It is thought that there is a genetic component to being gay, but the point is that any existing children you have already have that chance of being gay. I don't see a problem with it; if it really troubles you that much, look into adoption or stop having children. No parent wishes for their child to be gay, that is true, but your child were gay, would you love them any less?


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