Womens Health
wants to get pregnant again!
5 Replies
guinevere - June 9

recovering from a blighted ovum and i am slowly coping up from my depression now. does anyone experienced it? i'd love to know how you ladies handled it and how to get back on track to try getting pregnant again.


Pam_sky - July 9

i had an early pregnancy failure before due to blighted ovum, that was two years ago. last quarter of 2014, i had miscarriage. i already had my surgery, 3 months ago. the doctor told me to wait for at least 2-6 menstrual cycles before ttc. by the last quarter of this year, hopefully, we will ttc and praying for the best to get good news! i am hoping to have a baby by next year.


Shabby - July 27

stay positive, don't worry. i am now 34 weeks pregnant and just last year i had a blighted ovum. nothing is impossible!!! ^_^


thalia - July 29

you can do it! don't forget to eat right and take supplements, and be fit!


jerijayne - July 29

i had miscarriage before due to blighted ovum. i am also coping up and i have a very strong feeling will get pregnant this year. hopefully, i will!


MELISSA - January 16

Thanks to prince drclimentscott for helping me pregnant after 4years of
marriage no child,but with the help of drclimentscott am pregnant now.i
got pregnant exact time he promise me within the period of one month and it
really work he is God sent, contact him for more details and help email him

If you have been unable to conceive a child after a year of regular,
unprotected intercourse or sooner if you have any of the following:
Erection or ejaculation problems, low sex drive, or other problems with
sexual function
Pain, discomfort, a lump or swelling in the testicle area
A history of testicle, prostate or sexual problems
Groin, testicle, penis or scrotum surgery
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