Womens Health
Abnormal vaginal bleeding
0 Replies
Charity - January 1

I am 22 years old. I had been on the depo for almost 6 years. I stopped taking it about five months ago. I did this in hopes of becoming pregnant within the next 2-5 years and switched to Yaz. I am currently deployed. I had sex with a guy during the 3rd week of July. I stopped taking the Yaz there after. I started bleeding on the 7th of august. The next 3 days were light. The next two days nothing. The day after that I began to bleed heavy, that lasted for about 7 days. Then I began to take the Yaz again in hopes of stopping the bleeding. It lightened up the next day but intermittently I have continued to bleed. I had been feeling dizzy, light headed, and really tired so I went to the doc and told her what had been going on my blood pressure was really low. She gave me some iron pills a week ago. I have had a little more energy. After I went to the doc I took a pregnancy test thinking I might still be pregnant but it was negative. Today is now 2 Sep and I am still bleeding. Can you please tell me what’s wrong? Do you think I may be pregnant even though the test was negative? ↑



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