Womens Health
9 Replies
heather - August 22

i would love to get sexually active after being abstain for almost 5 years when i had my divorce. i also had my menopause during that time. now, i think i can't do it anymore with my present partner even if we use lubrication. i am getting frustrated.


dahlia - August 22

my husband and i also have the same problem. instead of lubrication i am using a moisturizer, only bought it OTC.


viviane - August 22

after menopause, sex drive can really drop down and it feels not exciting anymore. i feel you.


lavelle - September 4

vaginal dryness is one big factor why you won't enjoy having sex anymore after menopause. estrogen replacement can help, give it a try!


lila graham - September 8

talk to your doctor about options to consider for your problem.


leona - September 9

there are health professionals who specializes in sexual dysfunction that can address your problem without giving you any risks.


winona - September 10

you also need to improve your intimacy, both you and your partner.


calixta - September 10

enjoy sex just like old times. have fun first with foreplay to set the mood and be open to your partner for what is comfortable and what's not.


Sammy - September 11

communication before having sex is very important. sex should always engage partners talking sensually.


rhodora - September 11

doctor can help you prescribe hormone treatment if in case otc lubricants won't help your vaginal dryness.



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