Womens Health
Hot flashes
3 Replies
gacsec - January 1

I had a hysterectomy 8 years ago and had my ovaries removed also. I have been on Vivelle Dot hormone patch ever since. Why would I start having hot flashes now???


nutrarinc - August 21

Hot flashes are due to a disruption of the "thermoregulatory" center in the hypothalamus of the brain. This area of the brain is very close to the areas that regulate stress and also control reproductive hormone cycling. The current theory is that disruption of the nearby reproductive center during premenopause and menopause feeds over to the thermoregulatory center, causing hot flashes. Stress also "feeds over" to the thermoregulatory center and can initiate or exacerbate hot flashes as well. You can learn more at herbalmenopauseremedy.com


cmschwa - November 22

I'm 31 years old and I gave up my appartment to be with my grandmother who is currently in hospice (at home) and I been taking care of both my grandparents. I work a full time job that requires travel all over the state everday so my shifts are long. I have been noticing that at night lately for the past couple of weeks and is happening every night that I have been getting hot flases that cause me to get all sorts of sweaty.. no fever... it just feels like I'm overheating.. this has never happened to me before.. should I be worried and would this be something that I should look to see my doctor for?


viviane - July 16

when you underwent hysterectomy, did they removed your ovaries as well? maybe you are experiencing menopause because that is one symptoms, having hot flashes.



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