These are all normal mechanisms to help a woman become pregnant at the mid cycle time of ovulation and then "block" the cervix in the 2nd half of the cycle so that if a pregnancy occurs there won't be any ascending infection.
When a woman is anovulatory, there is less discharge and not the monthly variation in consistency. It sounds as if, in some respects, what you describe is normal now (for ovulation) and was just different when you were anovulatory.
The white cells in the discharge change things a little. Usually there are not too many white blood cells (WBCs) in vaginal discharge. It's difficult to know if what your doctor has seen is "too much" or not.
WBCs can indicate infection but usually of the cervix, not the vagina. If the cervical mucous is clear or white, not yellowish, there usually is not an infection that needs treatment.
All that being said, there have been instances where doctors have just treated with antibiotics for a "cervicitis" just because of the amount of vaginal discharge. Sometimes it gets better and other times it doesn't change because there really wasn't any infectious process in the first place.
Usually, if I see numerous white cells on vaginal wet prep, I treat with an antibiotic cream (Cleocin®) vaginally or and erythromycin or Zithromax® oral antibiotic as an empirical trial. I would say it clears up the problem about 50% of time.
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