been into copper iud - paragard for about 7 mos. now and i noticed having acne. does it really cause acne?
i have it for three months and got acne, but it went out after. maybe it is because your hormones are adjusting to it.
i think it really depends on how your body reacts. i switched from mirena to copper iud because i am having bad breakouts from mirena.
it really depends i might say. we are individually unique in each way so as to how our body responds to certain changes. it varies from person to person as it is.
copper toxicity could be causing you acne.
somehow, the cause of your acne is not primarily because of the iud, but because of the hormones that are keeping the acne at bay.
your fluctuating hormones while adjusting to the changes in your body with b/c may cause breakouts.