Womens Health
bc causes acne?
6 Replies
lilianne - September 4

been into copper iud - paragard for about 7 mos. now and i noticed having acne. does it really cause acne?


JeanJon - September 8

i have it for three months and got acne, but it went out after. maybe it is because your hormones are adjusting to it.


dylan - September 9

i think it really depends on how your body reacts. i switched from mirena to copper iud because i am having bad breakouts from mirena.


helene - September 10

it really depends i might say. we are individually unique in each way so as to how our body responds to certain changes. it varies from person to person as it is.


guinevere - September 10

copper toxicity could be causing you acne.


cynthia - September 11

somehow, the cause of your acne is not primarily because of the iud, but because of the hormones that are keeping the acne at bay.


jasmine - September 11

your fluctuating hormones while adjusting to the changes in your body with b/c may cause breakouts.



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